Friday, October 15, 2010

Hopie Says Nopie to Dopie

"Woa dude, I'm way too fucked up to comment,"  DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - 

Attorney General Eric "MC AG" Holder says the federal government will enforce its marijuana laws in California even if voters next month make the state the first in the nation to legalize the drug. "Yo Yo, President Hopie has said nopie to dopie," stated Holder.

The Justice Department strongly opposes California's Proposition 19 and remains firmly committed to enforcing the federal Controlled Substances Act in all states, Holder wrote in a letter to former Drug Czars.  "We will enforce the CSA, against my homies in LA, and the big ass state of CA. This bro ain't no DJ, I'm the General of the DA, with a loud mighty PA... we don't care about no MDMA, no E, no O, no H, no K, GHB, 2CB, 2C1PDA or CCC.  The law is calling me to stop the THC."

If California's voting stoners approve the ballot measure, the state would become the first to legalize and regulate recreational dro, cronic, mowie wowie, purple haze, afgani, amsterdam gold, special K, white rino, white skunk, hardy brown eye, juicy jumble weed, lickity split, green sanchez, turd blossom special, and other strains of cannabis with dumb ass names.  Adults could possess up to one ounce of the drug and grow small gardens on private property.

He said the ballot measure's passage would "significantly undermine" efforts to keep California communities safe.  The recent government study titled Refer Madness 3D, paints a horrifying picture of teens on pot, gasping for air with laughter, thinking of mind numbing ideas, and glorifying how stoned they are. 

In a statement released by DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of the Pamphlet, he stated, "Woa dude, I'm way too fucked up to comment," DonJon.


New York Times:

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