Monday, December 14, 2009

Congress Considers Extending 'Right to Life' to Citizens over 55

"Civil rights issue on the magnitude of American slavery," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - The death nail has been driven for the public health care option by the Senate's insistence on 60 votes and the President's unwillingness to intervene. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given into the force of the Medical Industrial Complex.

Congressional Democrats are now taunting The People with a Medicare buy-in for citizens 55-64. The bait and switch is certain to begin a new round of congressional failure in response to the American health care crisis.

An enraged DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, offered a bold new understanding of the issue.

"This is a civil rights issue on the magnitude of slavery. The People's Unalienable Right to Life is enslaved by the Plutocrats of the Medical Industrial Complex. While our Insurance Masters dole out health care only when profitable, Americans suffer indentured servitude for benefits, economic destitution and confiscation of property, life threatening health compromises, and death.

Congress endlessly debates and the President is silent; Where is their commitment to our founding creed? Does this not place chains on the self-evident truth,
That all men are created equal,
That they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights,
That among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?"

DonJon is investigating MoRevolutionary actions to allow all citizens to access Medicare stated, "It is owned by the People, why should it limited to a few."

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