Chelsea Hotel (MP) - In an unexpected move for control of disinformation Chuckles and Davo Krotch, better known as the Krotch Brothers from their vaudeville days, are attempting to take over the Kato Kaelin Institute. Part of the institute is Goebbles FreedomWorks, a fixed markets for the rich/limited government for the people advocacy group.
Goebbles FreedomWorks has enlisted the help of Dick Army, the latest name iteration for the private mercenary company formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, Xe Services, Academi, and Heavily Armed Assholes Ready to Shit on Your Parade Corporation.
Chuckles and Davo Krotch |
A statement from Goebbles FreedomWorks delivered by Dick Army to Krotch Industries and Clownworks said, "As representatives of Goebbles FreedomWorks, a grassroots organization that fights for constitutionally-limited government for the people and individual freedom as defined by our propaganda, we have grave concerns regarding the potential damage to the Gauze of Liberty that will result from the dispute that has erupted between the Board of Directors of the Kato Kaelin Institute and various parties at Krotch Industries and Clownworks."
The Gauze of Liberty referred to in the statement is a counter intelligence program (COINTELPRO) designed by Dick Army that protects the people from "truth terrorists" by limiting their access to "unpatriotic knowledge."
Huffingtonpost: Koch Brothers Cato Institute Takeover
FreedomWorks, it is more like Corporate works.