Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Obama Supports "Buffet Rule," Says, "Greedy Over Loading Their Plate"

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - In a direct assault on the greedy, President Obama has announced his support for the "Buffet Rule." Speaking in Boca Raton, Florida, the President said, "Americans are tired of getting to the 'all you can eat' buffet to find only crusty serving pans and cold Brussels sprouts. All Americans want a full plate of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans... but some fat ass has taken it all."

Concerned that the corpulent Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christi, will enter the Republican primary and become the nominee, the President has made his "All You Can Eat Buffet Rule" maximum of one plate piled no higher than four inches a center piece of his campaign. "Look, I want folks to get fat in this country," Mr. Obama said. "I think it's wonderful when people are over stuffed. That's part of the American Dream, to be fat, drunk, and stupid. But, there's a right way to go through a buffet line."

It is reported that the President will also take on overly cheerful waiters that write their name on the table top.

New York Times: Obama Goes on Offensive Over Taxes on Wealthy

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