"We are the Human Disaster..." DonJon.
Below is the Full Transcript of his Statement:
With Great Humility, I offer these words with the Hope that Human Kind will one day accept the loss of Human Life in Haiti not as a Natural Disaster, but another in a long history of preventable Human Disasters.
After Two Centuries of Imperial and Capitalist abuse Haiti was a disaster looking for it's time to happen. The World Economic Body knew the Haitian People were hungry, but saw no profit in Self Subsistence. The World Political body knew the Haitian People lived precariously on an active fault line, but saw no votes in Safe Domiciles. The World Citizenry knew the Haitian People suffered great Human indignity, but saw no luxury in caring. Rather Haitians were looked upon by the Capitalist First World as rotting human refuse, "Out of Sight and Out of Mind."
The Human Disaster is not of the Haitian People, for Human Perseverance transcends Greed and the Dignity of their struggle is a salve on our diseased Humanity; Our charitable gifts, words and thoughts a mere clamber for Salvation. The Human Disaster is not of Capitalist Nations that over-consume enough to feed the famished, to quench the parched, and to shelter the precarious.
Rather, We are the Human Disaster, comfortably accepting a system that distinguishes Human Worth on Material Wealth. We are the Human Disaster, thanklessly accepting the Blessings of The Enlightenment, yet considering ourselves above Equal. We are the Human Disaster, seeking Self Actualization through wanton destruction of our Planet and our Race.
We live in a World of Abundance that has been Privatized into Profitable Scarcity. We allow a baseless system of Monetary Measure to prevent the distribution of Abounding Resources. Rather Human Productivity, Natural Resources and Modern Technology sit idle awaiting Profit's Command. Was there not enough Willing Labor, Materials and Technology to protect the Haitian People? As we now see there is and there was. The only Scarce Resource was Human Compassion.
The surviving Haitian People, struggling Rescue Workers, and meager Medical Staff are in the midst of an Epic Human Battle. They have transcended the Ordinary and entered a World of Simple Duality where Charity is Good and Profit is Evil, where Unity is Good and Separatism is Evil, a World where ones's Humanity is measured by doing that which is Good and Obvious, or Evil and Odious. It is Obvious that waiting for the Moment of Disaster was Evil. It is Odious that the Common Good of all Humanity is not given it's Full Measure. Natural Disasters will continue unabated, but Human Disasters will end only when we accept the responsibility of Being Human.
I Propose we take a First Test of Our Humanity; That Haiti be declared a Non-Plutocratic-Zone. That it become the First Cooperative Nation State; A Unity of National and Local Cooperatives organized to achieve Economic Humanism, Owned and Operated by those that labor to serve their Community. A Cooperative Economy neither controlled by a Central Marxist Government nor Private Capitalist Profiteers. A Cooperative Economy where all resources, Natural, Industrial and Technical, accrue to the benefit of the People.
I Propose we take a Second Test of Our Humanity; That Haiti be declared a Non-Governmental-Zone. That we promote a Decentralized Cooperative Anarchist Nation operated by Citizen Technocrats, Scientists, Engineers, Doctors and Other Practitioners rather than Politicians. And that they serve the People by means of The Scientific Method. A Sovereign Cooperative Nation that has no Armed Military, no International Allegiances, and no Political agenda. A Sovereign Cooperative Citizenry with a Common Human Obligation to treat thy Neighbor as thyself with Equality of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
I Propose we take a Final Test of Our Humanity; That we, the People of the World who seek a more Human Being, commit fully to the Haitian People in this Bold Journey; That from this demoralized, uneducated, and poverty stricken people a New Enlightenment will take birth and flourish throughout this Planet.
Thank You!
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