Excess wealth has long been considered the "embarrassment of riches" and the Plutocracy had an informal policy to never discuss it outside of their own ranks.  But, recently the discussion has entered the public discourse of the unwashed masses due to President "Hopie" Obama's desire to allow the Bush tax cuts for his fellow Plutocrats expire. 

In his recent opinion post, Paul Krugman, stated "It’s one thing when a billionaire rants at a dinner event. It’s another when Forbes magazine runs a cover story alleging that the president of the United States is deliberately trying to bring America down as part of his Kenyan, “anticolonialist” agenda, that “the U.S. is being ruled according to the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950s.” 

"This is a clear case of discrimination, the wealthy are being unf

airly targeted," states Lewis.  "This historic abuse of our of civil rights will not stand, we will walk out of our board rooms, mansions, country clubs, and beach homes to take to the streets to defend our right to steal, hoard, and repress."

Lewis confirmed MUCK YOU has created a political action committee to purchase national and local politicians.  "Fortunately, our investment in the Supreme Court has paid off and we can now use our massive wealth to control the trolls in congress without limit."

In a statement released by DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of the Pamphlet, he stated, "When the People finally realize the limitations money places on the advancement of the human condition wealth will be measured by the poor feed, the lives saved, and the happiness pursued by all."