"We live in a world of abundance that has been privatized and capitalized into scarcity to maximize profit at the expense of people." DonJon.
DonJon asked me to include the following quote from Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian educator, philosopher, and scholar. McLuhan's work is viewed as one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. He is known for the expressions "the medium is the message" and "global village". McLuhan was a fixture in media discourse from the late 1960s to his death and he continues to be an influential and controversial figure.
Bobacus: Why Moloch the Plutocracy?
DonJon: First we must dissect the term Moloch the Plutocracy. Moloch is the Old Testament god of the Canaanites to whom parents sacrificed their children. The modern definition is anything requiring appalling sacrifice; war is a moloch. But 'to moloch' is different. It was used by Allen Ginsberg in his famous poem 'Howl' in a unique way, part verb, part profane rant. "Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!"

Bobacus: So what does it mean to Moloch?
DonJon: To force the sacrifice of that which one cherishes above humanity, in the case of the Plutocracy it is money.
Bobacus: And the Plutocracy is?
DonJon: Of course, the technical definition of a plutocracy is a government of the few, typically the wealthy. The Plutocracy is also a mindset that cherishes money over the foundations of freedom, liberty and justice. A mindset that has commodified our unalienable rights, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and put them on the auction block for the highest bidder.
Bobacus: And the Plutocracy is?
DonJon: Of course, the technical definition of a plutocracy is a government of the few, typically the wealthy. The Plutocracy is also a mindset that cherishes money over the foundations of freedom, liberty and justice. A mindset that has commodified our unalienable rights, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and put them on the auction block for the highest bidder.
Bobacus: So you seek to force sacrifice on the wealthy?
DonJon: Not in the way you suggest. Moloch the Plutocracy is about sacrificing the mindset that puts profit above people. We live in a world of abundance that has been privatized and capitalized into scarcity to maximize profit at the expense of people. This is the mindset that I seek we change.
DonJon: Not in the way you suggest. Moloch the Plutocracy is about sacrificing the mindset that puts profit above people. We live in a world of abundance that has been privatized and capitalized into scarcity to maximize profit at the expense of people. This is the mindset that I seek we change.
Bobacus: Where does Marshall McLuhan come into all this?
DonJon: He is the father of modern media. He was the first to predict a 'global village' and define how media effected our daily lives. He also warned of the looming control of media by the corporate citizen. He is a sort of Oracle for the MoRevolution.
DonJon: He is the father of modern media. He was the first to predict a 'global village' and define how media effected our daily lives. He also warned of the looming control of media by the corporate citizen. He is a sort of Oracle for the MoRevolution.
Bobacus: What is the MoRevolution?
DonJon: McLuhan claimed it is the, "medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action." Therefore those that control the medium control the message. The medium that is shaping our future is the ubiquitous connections made via digital communications; the internet, cell phones, and social media. The struggle is using these connections to advance Human condition rather than the profits of the corporate citizen. Today all our connections are mediated by the corporate citizen. The MoRevolution is the struggle for control of these connections.
DonJon: McLuhan claimed it is the, "medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action." Therefore those that control the medium control the message. The medium that is shaping our future is the ubiquitous connections made via digital communications; the internet, cell phones, and social media. The struggle is using these connections to advance Human condition rather than the profits of the corporate citizen. Today all our connections are mediated by the corporate citizen. The MoRevolution is the struggle for control of these connections.
Bob: Explain the value of these connections?
DonJon: These connections provide the ability to leverage ones economic value with millions of others. Consider if Facebook were a user owned organization, how would they leverage the size of the network. It would be for the actual members, rather then the investor class. Members would benefit financially from economies of scale and collective bargaining. The shear size of the network would force social, environmental, and economic standards on the corporate citizen.
Bobacus: Why is this different then our current free market system?
DonJon: This is an honest free market, one where the consumers have equal clout with the corporations.
Bobacus: What has prevented this from happening already?
DonJon: We have been trained to act as individuals, the corporate citizen earns the highest profit when we consume individually. Their marketing promotes the individual over community action. It is simply more profitable.
DonJon: We have been trained to act as individuals, the corporate citizen earns the highest profit when we consume individually. Their marketing promotes the individual over community action. It is simply more profitable.
Bobacus: How will it change?
DonJon: When the people understand that individualism is achieved by controlling the economic influences of their lives rather than the brands they purchase. The cooperative movement is making big advances in our communities, but they lack sufficient investment to gain the momentum needed to achieve the power of the capitalists.
DonJon: When the people understand that individualism is achieved by controlling the economic influences of their lives rather than the brands they purchase. The cooperative movement is making big advances in our communities, but they lack sufficient investment to gain the momentum needed to achieve the power of the capitalists.
Bobacus: The rumor is that this pamphlet, Moloch the Plutocracy, is a front organization for just such an organization. A MoNation if you will?
DonJon: As for a MoNation... I have no comment.
DonJon: As for a MoNation... I have no comment.
Bobacus: You have put a call to arms for all Digital Bohemians. What is a Digital Bohemian?
DonJon: The Digital Bohemian is the trench soldier in the MoRevolution. They are the Artists, thinkers, wanderers, and adventurers that have the social connections, knowledge, and desire to force change. They are the Artist that hold the mirror to society.
Bobacus: What will the reflection in the mirror present?
DonJon: Art is interpreted by the viewer, the artist merely presents the view. But, I feel that it will reflect a society on the verge of breaking, one that is losing the vision of original intent, whose purpose has been compromised by greed and personal interest. I happen to believe that the founding of America was a gift of divine intent. Never before has a nation been formed around such truth as this, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. I do not believe the mirror will reflect this truth.
DonJon: Art is interpreted by the viewer, the artist merely presents the view. But, I feel that it will reflect a society on the verge of breaking, one that is losing the vision of original intent, whose purpose has been compromised by greed and personal interest. I happen to believe that the founding of America was a gift of divine intent. Never before has a nation been formed around such truth as this, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. I do not believe the mirror will reflect this truth.
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