"It has been over a month and our Government of the People has not stopped this terrorist action." DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - In just over a month BP has made major advances in it's plan to develop the first in a series of Island states in the Gulf of Mexico. "We are deploying technologies developed in the Late Paleocene period 55 million years ago," states Dr. Tony "Oil for Blood" Hayward, Chairman of BP. The release of frozen methane hydrate from the ocean floor is believed to be the cause of the mass extinction of that period.
Hayward hinted at BP plans in a lecture at Stanford Business School in 2009, declaring, "We had too many people that were working to save the world. We no longer waste our efforts on such trivial altruism, rather I have all hands focused on developing BP World."
"Between the release of 30,000 barrels of crude oil daily, similar quantities of methane hydrate, and 500,000 gallons of Corexit, we will have the area cleared of unproductive lifeforms and a petroleum border foundation laid by the end of the year," states, Hayward. Last month BP announced a plan for Nation State status, by developing a series of Islands off the cost of major oil consuming nations. BP ranks twenty third in the list of worlds 150 largest economies.
Hayward hinted at BP plans in a lecture at Stanford Business School in 2009, declaring, "We had too many people that were working to save the world. We no longer waste our efforts on such trivial altruism, rather I have all hands focused on developing BP World."
Asked for comment, DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, offered, "It has been over a month now and our Government of the People has not stopped this terrorist action."
Alternet - Could the Largest Oil Drilling Catastrophe Also End up the Largest Natural Gas and Climate Disaster in Recent History?
Alternet - Why Aren't We Using the Safest and Most Effective Dispersants in the Gulf?Huffington Post - BP CEO Hayward, "We had too many people working to save the world."
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