"Human progress will remain stagnant until this system is replaced with one that values sustainability, equality, and compassion," DonJon.
The Holy Randian Church of Profit declared their "Trinity of Profit" the singular path to economic salvation. Defined as one God, "The Profit, The Ego, and the Holy Ghost of Mammon," is worshiped as a the Godhead of the church. In church doctrine, The Holy Ghost of Mammon functions within the monetary system and transfers wealth from the "unwashed masses" through Rand, the Ego, to the Father, Profit.
Asked for comment, DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, declared, "Rand is cannot even be considered a false prophet, she is merely a 'profit center.' It is time the People study the economic system that has been taken as gospel for so long. Profit, as it is defined in our current monetary system, promotes famine, violence, social decay, and ultimately the destruction of the planet. Human progress will remain stagnant until this system is replaced with one that values sustainability, equality, and compassion."
Crooks & Liars Friends - Please Leave a Quick Comment - I Need Feedback... TKS, DonJon.
Crooks & Liars Friends - Please Leave a Quick Comment - I Need Feedback... TKS, DonJon.
Matt Tiabbi - The Lunatics Who Made a Religion Out of Greed and Wrecked the Economy
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ReplyDeleteThere is a companion piece to this article that was written first.