Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Mysterious DonJon tWAt Decimates Twitterverse

DonJon 2016 Presidential Bid Uncertain

By, Roger Turgid, MO editor.

In Memoriam — Harry Martini

Chelsea Hotel (MP) The 2016 American Presidential campaign is in full backswing, and DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, has yet to announce. After his defeat in 2012, DonJon retreated to the Multiverse to resume his cross-dimensional quest for “the singularity, the unknowable, and MO!”

Today DonJon broke his silence with a single mysterious tweet surfacing from his twitter account, @modonjon.

In 2008 and 2012 DonJon ran for President of the United States America, or as he prefers to call it, “the Slimmest Office in the Land.” DonJon was expected to run in 2016, but the tweet brings into question his whereabouts. He was last known to be in the 7TH Dimension of the Multiverse, or the Egoverse as the Higgs-boson media refers to it.

DonJon’s former Chelsea “comrade” and inter-dimensional doppelganger, Kyle, proffered this statement, “If DonJon never enters the 3RD again, it’ll be too damn soon.” Kyle has traditionally and “unwillingly” given up his seat in the 3RD Dimension for DonJon’s presidential campaign.
The cryptic tweet is being analyzed by InterDimensional Twitter Experts (ITwit) for translation, authentication, and tweet of origin.

BREAKING NEWS: DonJon tweet a tWAt!

InterDimensional Twitter Experts (ITwit) announced their initial findings on the mysterious tweet from DonJon. They report, with 92.6% certainty, the tweet was actually a “dead man’s tWAt” from the 7TH Dimension. ITwit explains, “a dead man’s tWAt is the alert switch on a Lorentzian traversable wormhole that releases red-alert warnings when an Interdimensional traveler is forced from one dimension to another.”

“A study of the chemtrails left by the tWAt led from the 7TH back to the 2ND Dimension,” claims ITwit experts, “it appears he was ejected from the Egoverse by the ruling Egos.” They further confirmed that DonJon is somewhere in the Chelsea Hotel in 2-dimensional form.

The ITwit findings throw into question his appearance in the 3RD Dimension during the 2016 Presidential Campaign season. InterDimensional political analyst, Roger TuRgid claimed, “DonJon cannot run from the 2ND without a 3RD Dimensional doppleganger. It’s basic inter-dimensional politics.”


  1. Dutch Buckley has released a statement concerning DonJon's tWAt. "The size of DonJon's ego is 10-10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole that is his heart.
