Monday, October 15, 2012

'The Full Biden' New Obamacare Requirement

Chelsea Hotel (MP)- During the Vice Presidential debate between Joe “DJ Gaffe Master” Biden and Paul “Voters Shrugged” Ryan the issue of a new requirement in the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, took Ryan, the media, and viewers by surprise.

The procedure called the ‘Full Biden’ is required coverage for all small business provided health insurance programs. Considered a wellness requirement by Obama death panel czars, the procedure gives the patient an affable ageless appearance, including shit eating grin and shifty squinting eyes.

The revelation came when Biden summoned the Greek God of Eternal Youth and Blank Stares, Botoxus, during a discussion on Medicare. Ryan brought up the $716 billion in Medicare savings that was shifted to Obamacare when Biden raised his arms and declared, “God, deliver us from the mendacious malarky.” The hand of Botoxus appeared from above and gave the Vice President an injection smoothing the crows feet that had deepened as the debate had dragged on.

Startled, Ryan turned his Romney Ryan 2012 baseball cap backwards and said, “Bro, that’s a whole new  entitlement this country cannot afford.” Ryan proceeded to explain that his medicare voucher proposal would allow seniors to summon Botoxus if they choose, but they would have to forego other benefits such as the cherry filling in the Part D donut hole.

Asked for comment, the DonJon 2012 End-of-the-World campaign provided a statement, “The time has come to end all this trivial idiocy and look to the futureless future for the answer to Humanity's ills.”

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