"Time is Ripe for MoRevolution," DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - Ensconced in luxury at Sussex South Lodge country house, world PlutoBankers debated the continuity the Plutonomy at the Future of Finance Initiative conference organised by The Wall Street Journal. Clear signs of division within the ranks of the Plutocracy were reported from behind the ancient ivy covered walls.
The Former Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul "Big Paulie" Volker, chastised the PlutoBankers for failing to understand their greed was seeding economic revolution, “Has there been one financial leader to say this is really excessive? Wake up, gentlemen. Your response, I can only say, has been inadequate.” As the attendants demanded that regulation not stifle innovation, he went on to deride them claiming their biggest innovation was the cash machine.
Later Sir Deryck "Sir D" Maughan, partner in Masters of the Universe Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, warned, “The asymmetry will not hold. I’m not sure we’ve thought about that.”
Ruffled by the admonishments, the PlutoBankers huddled to find new ways to continue their domination of the world economy. But just as the conference broke up news of further division rankled the feathers of the financial birds of prey. The chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair "My Darling Alistair" Darling, announced a one-time tax on bank bonuses in an effort to shore up the British economy. Banks will be charged a 50 percent tax on 2009 bonuses of more than £25,000 or $40,800.
DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, claimed the Plutocrat's anxiety expected, "Their Plutonomy is backed by the 'Propaganda Standard' rather than anything of social value. The world monetary system is a ticking time bomb and they know it." DonJon further declared, "Time is ripe for MoRevolution."
Citigroup: Plutonomy Report #1
London Times - ‘Wake up, gentlemen’, world’s top bankers warned by former Fed chairman Volcker
New York Times - Britain to Levy a One-Time Tax on Banker Bonuse
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