"Frank Rich hits a steroid packed home run!" DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - Frank "Frankly Speaking" Rich, syndicated columnist for the New York Times, spoke frankly about about the decade now passing.
Tiger Woods, Person of the Year is a sober and powerful assessment of what American corporate, political and social culture has become. DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of this pamphlet, issued a statement, "Frank Rich hits a steroid packed home run today with this piece. When the real reality sets in on this decade the Plutocrats will be seen as blood sucking alien lizards. And the People will demand MoRevolution." Adding, DonJon clarified "Of course Rich could be a lizard embedded to seed conflict to distract us... He has not done an opinion piece on shape shifting alien lizards... Damn You, David Icke!"
New York Times: Tiger Woods, Person of the Year - by Frank Rich
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