"The Pursuit of Happiness demands a living wage for all," DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - The report that one-in-eight Americans are relying on food stamps has the Plutocracy formulating a fiscal stimulus plan to help the bottom 99% eat cake. Ken "Sticky Fingers" Lewis, Chairman of the Masters of the Universe Counsel on Keeping Yours Ours Unendingly, known as MUCK YOU, recently announced a new stimulus plan.
has the top 1% investing heavily in the necessary industries required to protect the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. "We have targeted the industries that are important to the quality of life that America has become accustomed," states Lewis, "housing, transportation, food and clothing are priorities of the Re-ReTrick Program."
The first tranche of significant Plutocratic spending has begun to stimulate the economy. As reported by the Wall Street Journal: "From $15,000-a-week Caribbean getaways to art auctions to $200,000 platinum wristwatches that automatically adjust for leap years, signs of the good life are returning."
"Jobs are also a priority of Re-ReTrick," claims the MUCK YOU Chairman, "We are investing heavily in the sequined ball gown industry...Do you know how much labor is required to apply thousands of sequines?"
The Trillion Dollar cost of the Re-ReTrick stimulus plan has some Plutocrats concerned. Lewis explains, "Yes, the money is significant, this is why the MUCK YOU board has approved invoicing our largest client, the United States Government, in advance."
As the new year enters, the top 1% will be entrusted with stimulus money in the form of bonuses to invest in the global economy. "We expect the return of American prosperity... MUCK YOU has already ordered the cake!" declares Sticky Fingers Lewis.
"It is not cake that the People deserve, rather the bounty that we and our forbears struggled to create and protect," stated DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, "The Pursuit of Happiness demands a living wage for all."
Shhh! Wall Street is Spending Again: Wall Street Journal
The Most Expensive Cake in the World: YouTube
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