Saturday, December 26, 2009

DonJon Demands Recount on 2009 MisInformer Award

"LobotoMary Beck? I have forgotten more misinformation then he will ever spew. I demand a recount!" DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - Glenn "LobotoMary" Beck was named Media Matters MisInformer of 2009. In a statement released by Harry Martini, publicist to DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, DonJon states:

"I would like to congratulate Mr. Beck, his staff and the fine people at Fox News. Also, respect goes out to Lord Rupert "LongHeaps" Murdoch for his ongoing efforts in supporting the misinformation industry.

Lastly, To the fine people at Media Matters, Are you Beck-Fucking me? Glenn "LobotoMary" Beck, I have forgotten more misinformation then he will ever spew. I demand a recount!"

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rich Names Tiger Person of the Year

"Frank Rich hits a steroid packed home run!" DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) -  Frank "Frankly Speaking" Rich, syndicated columnist for the New York Times, spoke frankly about about the decade now passing.  Tiger Woods, Person of the Year is a sober and powerful assessment of what American corporate, political and social culture has become.  DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of this pamphlet, issued a statement, "Frank Rich hits a steroid packed home run today with this piece.  When the real reality sets in on this decade the Plutocrats will be seen as blood sucking alien lizards.  And the People will demand MoRevolution."   Adding, DonJon clarified "Of course Rich could be a lizard embedded to seed conflict to distract us... He has not done an opinion piece on shape shifting alien lizards... Damn You, David Icke!"

New York Times: Tiger Woods, Person of the Year - by Frank Rich

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Plutocracy Enrolls 17 Million in Child Obesity Program

"This redistribution stinks of Plutocracy," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - The Plutocracy applauded a child obesity reduction initiative announcement by Ken "Sticky Fingers" Lewis, Chairman of the Masters of the Universe Counsel on Keeping Yours Ours Unendingly, known as MUCK YOU. "We are proud to claim 17 million American households enrolled in the program to rid youngsters of the scourge of obesity," Lewis reported.

In a carefully calibrated effort the Plutocracy organized an income redistribution plan shifting 16% of American income to the top 1% over thirty years. "The program has been highly effective in reducing the caloric intake that is the demon of childhood obesity," Lewis proudly stated. Further adding, "In Philadelphia 'one in five homes with a baby or toddler do not have enough food' to allow obesity to set in."

The Plutocracy supported both Democratic and Republican politicians in the large scale bi-partisan legislative effort to enact the program. "With the help of Capital Hill we succeeded in the redistribution of income required to save our children... it's for the children," denoted the MUCK YOU Chairman.

"This redistribution stinks of Plutocracy," declared DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy. "Governments are formed for a singular function: the redistribution of assets as mandated by the Sovereign. The People are Sovereign in America and therefore redistribution should only be effected to protect their Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"

Calling for MoRevolution, DonJon added, "This constitutes an illegal taking, The Plutocracy has redistributed the earnings of The People's economy to themselves. It will not stand!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

DonJon Admits Liaison with Tiger Woods

"I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my shaft crossing has caused to so many people," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - In an astonishing revelation DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, has been accused of an intentional shaft crossing with Tiger "Long Baller" Woods.  Harry Martini, DonJon's publicist and founder of Handled Messiahs Public Relations, offered the following carefully worded statement:

DonJon hosted the Certified Vagina Whisperer MoOpen at Hidden Dunes where he competed in a mixed foursome with Tiger "Long Baller" Woods.  Playing with Tiger was Rachel "U-Cheat'a" Uchitel.  Known for her legendary slice, she is capable of taking both the back nine and the front nine.  Joining DonJon in strokeplay were the Swizzle Sisters, conjoined twins Paris and Rehanna.  

On the first hole Tiger pulled out his stiff tipped long wood.  Using an interlocking grip, his backstroke accentuating the whippy shaft, he smoothly followed through with a quick release that rested just short of the hole.  Admonishing Rachel to keep her "head down and legs spread wide", she strapped on a Big Bertha and hammered an explosive drive to the frog hair.  

DonJon, known to fourball old school, used his bulger to find the sweet spot on the feathery, landing a plugged ball.  Having shagged in the practice area the Swizzle Sister were anxious to get teed off.  Preferring rough play, they asked DonJon for his driving mashie with a high flex point.  After a few wild whiffs they stroked the whipping off the shaft. 

Consulting his stroke index for difficulty, Tiger punched Rachel's gap wedge short of the punch bowl and landed the pot bunker instead.  Preferring a bump and run approach, Rachel took a gimmie after Tiger lipped the hole.  

DonJon, using revolutionary technique, caressed the feathery with a niblick just lightly rimming out the hole.  The Swizzle Sisters, playing aggressively with DonJon's bag, chunked the guttie with the rut iron pulling a worm burner hole high.

Both resting on the carpet in a stymie and only two strokes off the tournament record, tensions were high between DonJon and Tiger.  With putters in hand, they carefully plum bobbed the hole.  Tiger confidently approached, but stroked his putter errantly and their balls collided.  Awkwardly moving to replace their balls DonJon and Tiger crossed shafts.

The gallery, stunned by the foul, reported the move to the press.  Although DonJon denies any intentional contact, he has offered the following statement to his fans.

"I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my shaft crossing has caused to so many people, most of all my fans and the Merry Molochsters. I want to say again to everyone that I am profoundly sorry and that I ask forgiveness. It may not be possible to repair the damage I've done, but I want to do my best to try.  

I would like to ask everyone, including my fans, the good people at Moloch the Plutocracy, my bohemian partners, the CVWA Tour, and my fellow vagina whisperers, for their understanding. What's most important now is that the Merry Molochsters have the time, privacy, and safe haven they will need for personal healing.  

After much soul searching, I have decided to take an indefinite break from professional vagina whispering. I need to focus my attention on being a better publisher, molochster, and bohemian.  

Again, I ask for privacy for the Merry Molochsters and I am especially grateful for all those who have offered compassion and concern during this difficult period.

Thank you for your understanding. DonJon, CVW."

The Certified Vagina Whisperer Association (CVWA) has not issued a statement.  DonJon is the  leading tour whisperer in strokeplay championships and all time skins winner.  His departure from the tour is certain to cause turmoil for the association, his sponsors and the network distributors.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Congress Considers Extending 'Right to Life' to Citizens over 55

"Civil rights issue on the magnitude of American slavery," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - The death nail has been driven for the public health care option by the Senate's insistence on 60 votes and the President's unwillingness to intervene. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given into the force of the Medical Industrial Complex.

Congressional Democrats are now taunting The People with a Medicare buy-in for citizens 55-64. The bait and switch is certain to begin a new round of congressional failure in response to the American health care crisis.

An enraged DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, offered a bold new understanding of the issue.

"This is a civil rights issue on the magnitude of slavery. The People's Unalienable Right to Life is enslaved by the Plutocrats of the Medical Industrial Complex. While our Insurance Masters dole out health care only when profitable, Americans suffer indentured servitude for benefits, economic destitution and confiscation of property, life threatening health compromises, and death.

Congress endlessly debates and the President is silent; Where is their commitment to our founding creed? Does this not place chains on the self-evident truth,
That all men are created equal,
That they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights,
That among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?"

DonJon is investigating MoRevolutionary actions to allow all citizens to access Medicare stated, "It is owned by the People, why should it limited to a few."

Help Us Help You... Or Just Help Us!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Plutocracy Declares World Economy Theirs!

"Plutocracy a disease... It must be eradicated," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) -In a bold move the Plutocracy has officially claimed the world economy for themselves and declared it a "Plutonomy." In a 2005 investor memo, Citigroup claims the top 1% have successfully neutered the American middle class claiming 40% of financial net worth, more than the bottom 95% of households put together.

Detailing a world divided into two blocs the memo refers to "the Plutonomy and the rest.

"the Plutonomies... will likely see even more income inequality, disproportionately feeding off a further rise in the profit share in their economies."

The memo goes on to describe a "New Managerial Aristocracy," that has grown out of lucrative salary and bonus packages.
"in the early 20th century capital income was the big chunk for the top 0.1% of households, the resurgence in their fortunes since the mid-eighties was mainly from over sized salaries."
The memo describes a Plutocracy's that expects the world economy to continue to merge into the Plutonomy.
"They are also gaining strength in the emerging world... Society and governments need to be amenable to disproportionately allow/encourage the few to retain that fatter profit share."
The memo further describes the potential backlash of over-reaching and fears that the "invisible hand stops working."
"a threat comes from the potential social backlash... (if) the invisible hand stops working. (If) enough of the electorate believe they have a chance of becoming a Pluto-participant. Why kill it off, if you can join it? "
DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of this pamphlet, issued a statement. "Global Corporations have convinced The People they are best suited to organize and control the world economy. Plutocracy is the disease of a disengaged citizenship, it has metastasized and the Economy of the People is on a death watch." Calling for MoRevolution, he demanded, "It must be eradicated!"

Friday, December 11, 2009

Plutocracy Unleashes Billions on a Grateful Citizenry

"The Pursuit of Happiness demands a living wage for all," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - The report that one-in-eight Americans are relying on food stamps has the Plutocracy formulating a fiscal stimulus plan to help the bottom 99% eat cake. Ken "Sticky Fingers" Lewis, Chairman of the Masters of the Universe Counsel on Keeping Yours Ours Unendingly, known as MUCK YOU, recently announced a new stimulus plan.

The Reluctant Economic Re-ReDistribution Trickle Down Temporary Stimulus, referred to by MUCK YOU as Re-ReTrick,

has the top 1% investing heavily in the necessary industries required to protect the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. "We have targeted the industries that are important to the quality of life that America has become accustomed," states Lewis, "housing, transportation, food and clothing are priorities of the Re-ReTrick Program."

The first tranche of significant Plutocratic spending has begun to stimulate the economy. As reported by the Wall Street Journal: "From $15,000-a-week Caribbean getaways to art auctions to $200,000 platinum wristwatches that automatically adjust for leap years, signs of the good life are returning."

"Jobs are also a priority of Re-ReTrick," claims the MUCK YOU Chairman, "We are investing heavily in the sequined ball gown industry...Do you know how much labor is required to apply thousands of sequines?"

Manufacturing jobs are not the only target of Re-ReTrick, they are stimulating the service industries as well. "The main stream media is not reporting on the devastating effect the recession has had on the service sector," states Lewis, "Bathroom attendant jobs have been eviscerated... MUCK YOU members are having to reach public bathroom towels is distressing... This a direct usurpation of our inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness."

The Trillion Dollar cost of the Re-ReTrick stimulus plan has some Plutocrats concerned. Lewis explains, "Yes, the money is significant, this is why the MUCK YOU board has approved invoicing our largest client, the United States Government, in advance."

As the new year enters, the top 1% will be entrusted with stimulus money in the form of bonuses to invest in the global economy. "We expect the return of American prosperity... MUCK YOU has already ordered the cake!" declares Sticky Fingers Lewis.

"It is not cake that the People deserve, rather the bounty that we and our forbears struggled to create and protect," stated DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, "The Pursuit of Happiness demands a living wage for all."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

UK Banking Conference Discloses Signs of Division within Plutocra

"Time is Ripe for MoRevolution," DonJon.

Chelsea Hotel (MP) - Ensconced in luxury at Sussex South Lodge country house, world PlutoBankers debated the continuity the Plutonomy at the Future of Finance Initiative conference organised by The Wall Street Journal. Clear signs of division within the ranks of the Plutocracy were reported from behind the ancient ivy covered walls.

The Former Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul "Big Paulie" Volker, chastised the PlutoBankers for failing to understand their greed was seeding economic revolution, “Has there been one financial leader to say this is really excessive? Wake up, gentlemen. Your response, I can only say, has been inadequate.” As the attendants demanded that regulation not stifle innovation, he went on to deride them claiming their biggest innovation was the cash machine.

Later Sir Deryck "Sir D" Maughan, partner in Masters of the Universe Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, warned, “The asymmetry will not hold. I’m not sure we’ve thought about that.”

Ruffled by the admonishments, the PlutoBankers huddled to find new ways to continue their domination of the world economy. But just as the conference broke up news of further division rankled the feathers of the financial birds of prey. The chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair "My Darling Alistair" Darling, announced a one-time tax on bank bonuses in an effort to shore up the British economy. Banks will be charged a 50 percent tax on 2009 bonuses of more than £25,000 or $40,800.

DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, claimed the Plutocrat's anxiety expected, "Their Plutonomy is backed by the 'Propaganda Standard' rather than anything of social value. The world monetary system is a ticking time bomb and they know it." DonJon further declared, "Time is ripe for MoRevolution."

Citigroup: Plutonomy Report #1

London Times - ‘Wake up, gentlemen’, world’s top bankers warned by former Fed chairman Volcker

New York Times - Britain to Levy a One-Time Tax on Banker Bonuse