"Beck will be escorted off stage in a straight jacket soon," DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - Glenn "LobotoMary" Beck has been ratcheting up the fear mongering after the signing of health care reform on Tuesday. The Lobotomites, Beck's lobotomized hoard of worshipful followers, "have been blowing their stitches," claims undisclosed sources behind the white tiled walls where they are keep between protest rallies. Beck commands the Lobotomites from his bunker at Foxy Newsy "hows that working out for ya" Network.Foxy Newsy is owned by Lord Rupert "Long Heaps" Murdoch. In an effort to control the Mis-information Industry, Murdoch invested in technology to perform surgical lobotomies via cable. The procedure is technically termed a Media-Delivered Surgical Lobotomy, referred to in the Mis-Information Industry as a Media-botomy.
Beck creates his ideas each morning by, "pounding his head and vomiting for four hours." He claims the ritual connects him to his higher self, "I once used Everclear to find enlightenment, now I can induce it on command."
Beck has had his magic chalk board in over-drive this week urging the Lobotomites to violent revolution, claiming, "This is the biggest thing we have ever faced. This is our Pearl Harbor, our Normandy, our Custer's Last Stand."
In an effort to pinpoint their enemy, he offer that Progressives are "the California hippie Marxist Socialist Communist Progressive, sticking flowers in the barrel, sitting around smokin' dope all day during college and talkin' about how they can destroy the evil American empire," in laymen terms, the ones having fun. In addition they have developed a Historical Progressive Hit list to discredit the movement in history.
- The Lobotomite Progressive Hit List -
Puke vile rubbish when these names are mentioned
- Jane Addams, social worker
- Florence Kelley, child advocate
- Charles Beard, historian and political scientist
- Louis Brandeis, lawyer and Supreme Court justice
- William Jennings Bryan, Democratic presidential nominee
- Lucy Burns, suffragette
- Andrew Carnegie, steel and philanthropy
- Carrie Chapman Catt, suffragette
- Herbert Croly, journalist
- John Dewey, philosopher
- W. E. B. Du Bois, philosopher, intellectual
- Thomas Edison, inventor
- Irving Fisher, economist
- Henry Ford, automaker
- Charlotte Gilman, feminist
- Susan Glaspell, playwright, novelist
- Lewis Hine, photographer
- Charles Evans Hughes, statesman
- William James, philosopher
- Hiram Johnson, California politician
- Robert M. La Follette, Sr., Wisconsin politician
- Walter Lippmann, journalist
- John R. Mott, YMCA leader
- George Cardinal Mundelein, Catholic leader
- Alice Paul, suffragette
- Ulrich B. Phillips, historian
- Gifford Pinchot, conservationist
- Walter Rauschenbusch, theologian of Social Gospel
- Jacob Riis, reformer
- Theodore Roosevelt, President
- Elihu Root, statesman
- Margaret Sanger, birth control
- Anna Howard Shaw, suffragette
- Upton Sinclair, novelist
- Albion Small, sociologist
- Ellen Gates Starr, sociologist
- Lincoln Steffens, reporter
- Henry Stimson, statesman
- William Howard Taft, President and Chief Justice
- Ida Tarbell, muckraker
- Frederick Winslow Taylor, efficiency expert
- Frederick Jackson Turner, historian
- Thorstein Veblen, economist
- Lester Frank Ward, sociologist
- Booker T. Washington, social reformist, leader
- Woodrow Wilson, President
A Statement released by DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy, offers, "LobotoMary Beck is over the top, he will be escorted off stage in a straight jacket soon."
- Crooks and Liars - http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/glenn-becks-eliminationist-attacks-p
- Houston Examiner - Glen Beck says progressives must be eradicated
- Alternet - Is Glen Beck Breeding Domestic Violence?
- Crooks and Liars - http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/beck-goes-nuts-over-hcr-concludes-ev
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