To: Arthur "O'Clueless One" Sulzberger, Jr. Publisher, New York Times:
Fr: DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy:
Re: Old Gray Lady Older and Grayer
Get the Times with the times Dude! It's becoming an old hag. I write this knowing it will be lost in the digital pile of trash... but, that begs my point.
Three times now I have tried to comment on opinion pieces and it says "Comments are no longer being accepted." Please excuse the language as it is for effect; I am a former transplanted New Yorker... Are you fucking stupid? Why would you reject any comments... come on. I am sure you have your logical reasons. But they cannot override the upside of collecting all the ones and zeros you can. I offer three reasons you should reverse this policy now...
1. Comments make people feel a part of the story as opposed to being a passive consumer... Consumption of news is becoming a Hot medium... Re-read your McLuhan. Readers are going to gravitate more and more to those that service this desire. You Loose, Ariana Wins... Ha, and you do all the heavy lifting. Are you fucking stupid?
2. Comments give people (the teeming masses) immortality... that they will live on in opinion. That when the" last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. (digitally)" Those that offer eternity will survive, not those that turn it away. Are you Fucking Stupid?
3. News is collected one letter, word, sentence at a time and presents itself when relevant. Until then you don't know when, where or how... you are not the creator, merely the collector. When history unfolds and the next Martin Luther King, Jr. and James Earl Ray present themselves, who will have collected their opinions, words, ones and zeros? It seems it will not be the Times. Are you FUCKING STUPID?
Please send my consulting check to the Chelsea Hotel, I am
PS: I am very hung over today, please excuse my poorly written offering of eternal blather.
DonJonVonavich HRH King of Mo
Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy
The Vicar of Vice
The Last of the Bohemians
Facebook: DonJon Vonavich
MySpace: DonJon08
Twitter: DonJon2012
Voice: 405.4MOLOCH