"I fear the rise of a Urinary-Industrial Complex," DonJon.
National P-in-a-Cup-Day will offer all Americans free entrance to any national, state, or local park, public building and facility, and participating corporate sponsor lobby to urinate freely in portable toilets provided by the newly formed Department of Urination, which reports to the Department of Homeland Security.
President Obama has announced that former Vice President, Dick "Luke, I am your father" Cheney, will be appointed Secretary of Urination. "As a former bladder compromised Congressman and Chairman of Porta-Potty, Inc., I have the rare combination of public and private urinary experience," claimed Cheney. Cheney has already held an informal private meeting concerning urinary policy with the Captains of the Urination Industry, but has refused to release the attendants of the meeting to the press.
Undisclosed sources have told Moloch the Plutocracy that the Chairmans of Porta-Potty, Paorta-John & Jane, Johnny On The Spot, Port-O-Let, and Toi-Toi were present at the meeting. There have been rumblings about Cheney's exclusion of Port-a-Loo, Tidy John, and John To Go from the meetings considering the inclusion of Chinese Urinary Industry leader, Toi-Toi.
In a related annoucement, Publicist to DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, Harry Martini, founder of Handled Messiahs PR, offered DonJon's reaction, "This will 'piss off' many American patriots... I fear the rise of a Urinary-Industrial Complex."
It is uncertain how these developments will effect DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour. Cheney has offered to contribute a Department of Urination approved Porta-Potty for the MoBus.