"I believe that this union is strong and willful and honest and caring and ultimately persuasive in the long and painful advancement of Being Human," DonJon.
A video statement speaks to the Union of Human Being, but offers no specifics on the advancement of the ideals outlined the speech. When asked for more details, Harry Martini, publicist to DonJonVonavich, offered chuckling, "Specifics... You want specifics? How much time do you have? DonJon picks more ideas out of his nose than Hopie will have in his lifetime!"
Below is the Video & Full Transcript:
Madam Shaman, Vice Molochster Martini, Members of the MoBoho Congress, Fellow Molochsters, Artists, and Seekers of Truth, Beauty and Love.
In the course of history, from time to time, the People have stood up to declare their Right of Human Being. One such moment is evidenced by a simple truth scribed on parchment in a small room in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by a young Patriot of the Enlightenment. That Human Being had evolved to an Understanding of Mutual Equality, of Mutual Purpose, and of Mutual Pursuit; that this Understanding be guided by the Natural Laws and Unalienable Rights of Man and Nature; that this Understanding be formalized in the meager words available; that this Understanding be the purpose of a Union of Free People.
The seed of the American Union has harvested a great bounty for Human Being, democratic republican government, equality of the races, and global communication. But of singular importance, because of this union Mankind is one step closer to Being Human. But this American Union has faltered in the pursuit of this Understanding; Institutions have been constructed and recognized to have the natural rights afforded by this Understanding; Institutions that seek the domination of Man and Nature in defiance of this Understanding.
We the people that seek a more Human Being, know the truth of this Understanding, that the Natural Laws and Unalienable Rights of Man and Nature ordain no declaration, no charter or no constitution greater than the Sovereign Right of Being Human. That the only Union that is inevitable, persistent, and enduring is the Union of Human Being. A Union guided by the Universal Principle of Being Human, To treat those among us as we would be treated. A Union that affords no institution of government, religion or commerce the deep obligation that is ours alone, of Being Human.
It is this Union of Human Being of which the state we should be concerned.
I believe that this Union is strong and willful and honest and caring and ultimately persuasive in the long and painful advancement of Being Human. I believe that the lesser unions will stand down when the Union of Human Being stands up. I believe it is this Union of Human Being which we must hold our Ultimate Allegiance.
This Union of Human Being is bound supreme to the single law abiding in the deep well of Humanity; A law that is ever-present, all powerful, and infinitely wise. A law that transcends the flawed and fractured languages; A law that is the truth, the meaning, and the purpose; A law that is evident in a billion beautiful acts, in a million loving communities, in a thousand lonesome moments of Being Human. It is in these lonesome moments that we are all one, that our desire know no language, no pursuit, and no love other than that of Being Human.
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